+91 97693 02068

Our Products

  • HEALTH INSURANCE– Health insurance is a type of insurance that offers coverage to the policy holder for medical expenses in case of a health emergency. The cover to be taken depends on client’s needs, health condition and accordingly appropriate cover is given.
  • LIFE INSURANCE– We follow need based approach for our clients. We consider the family goals, dependent’s and family expenses, family income, liabilities, assets and on this available information, come to a specific coverage amount so that client is neither under insured or over insured.
Also we have guaranteed incomes plans, ULIP plans, Children’s plans for those who want to diversify their portfolio, who need guaranteed returns, and tax benefits.
  • OTHER INSURANCES THAT WE PROVIDE Personal Accident Policy, Critical Illness Plan, Home Insurance, Vehicle Insurance, Travel Insurance, Group Health and Personal Accident Plans, Property Insurance
  • MUTUAL FUNDS- A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, and short-term debt. The combined holdings of the mutual fund are known as its portfolio
  • BONDS Bonds are issued by governments and corporations when they want to raise money. By buying a bond, you’re giving the issuer a loan, and they agree to pay you back the face value of the loan on a specific date, and to pay you periodic interest payments along the way
  • CORPORATE FIXED DEPOSITS Company Fixed Deposit (corporate FD) is a term deposit which is held over fixed period at fixed rates of interest. Company Fixed Deposits are offered by Financial and Non-Banking financial companies (NBFCs). The maturities of various company fixed deposits can range from a few months to a few years.
  • NON CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURES (NCD)- Non-convertible debentures(NCDs) are a financial instrument that is used by companies to raise long-term capital. This is done through a public issue. NCDs are a debt instrument with a fixed tenure and people who invest in these receive regular interest at a certain rate.
  • PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT SERVICES (PMS) Portfolio Management Service (PMS) is a facility offered by a portfolio manager with the intent to achieve the required rate of return within the desired level of  An investment portfolio can be a mix of stocks, fixed income, commodities, real estate, other structured products, and cash.
  • STRUCTURED PRODUCTS A structured product, also known as a market-linked investment, is a pre-packaged structured finance investment strategy that normally include assets linked to interest plus one or more derivatives. they are generally tied to an index or basket of securities, and are designed to facilitate highly customized risk-return objectives.
  • LIQUILOANS- Liquiloans is a Peer to Peer Lending platform that uses technology to match borrowers and lenders and in the process eliminates the margin which is charged by traditional banks and NBFCs, thus, making borrowing cheaper and investing a more lucrative opportunity as compared to traditional investment avenues. This is a substitute for Bank FD product and used for short term investments.
  • STOCK AND DEMAT SERVICESProviding demat services of opening demat accounts and anything related to services regarding it. Also help in guiding on how to buy domestic as well as Global Equities
  • NATIONAL PENSION SCHEMENational Pension System (NPS) is a voluntary, defined contribution retirement savings scheme designed to enable the subscribers to make optimum decisions regarding their future through systematic savings during their working life.
  • UNLISTED IPOs An unlisted company (A company which is not listed on the stock exchange) announces initial public offering (IPO) when it decides to raise funds through sale of securities or shares for the first time to the public. In other words, IPO is the selling of securities to the public in the primary market.
  • GROUP SIPs FOR CORPORATES Mutual Funds have come up with SIPs processes for Corporates where companies can start SIPS for their employees and contribute for them on their behalf just like how PF works.